International School of Ouagadougou

Information About Burkina Faso

All the links below will send you to different English and French sites about Burkina so you can get an idea of what Burkina Faso is like.
Detailed facts about Burkina. Faso. Includes map, geography, information on people, history, government, military and transnational issues.
Burkina Faso African film festival. Includes film festival facts, national arts and a detailed cutural map of Burkina Faso.
Burkina Faso national Fench site. Includes geography, history, government and population information. This site is recomended. It is in French.
General facts about Burkina Faso. Includes geography, history, government and population information.
This is the national art festival site. It is a recomended site but the French version is the only one available at the moment. The English site is under construction.
This is a photographer's site with great pictures on some Burkinabe villages. It is also a recommended site. Pics on other African countries are also available.
This site is a collection of photos, information, and essays about Burkina Faso, West Africa and Cathy Seeley's Peace Corps service there as a secondary mathematics teacher from 1999 to 2001. There is a lot of information about Burkina, Villages & Rural life, Cities, Art and Music, Animals, Gardening, School life and more!
This site is a portal for Burkina websites. It has links to many burkinabe websites. In French.